Friday, June 26, 2009

Bragging Rights

All 4 of our children possess some level of artistic talent (music, theater, comedy, etc) but I am shamelessly taking the opportunity in this post to brag on my daughter, Carol.
First, with pencil and paper, she captures (beyond question) one of America's icons.
But second (and more importantly) she chooses Patriots and Conservatives as her heroes (no "pin-heads" allowed).
Great job on the Duke!
Love, Dad


CaroltheRose said...

aw thanks dad. make me cry whydoncha

Sparky said...

Wow, she's good! Faces are hard to draw. And the subject is perfect. I'm a big "Duke" fan too. :o)

KathyB. said...

Yes! Very, very good, Carol!

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

She IS talented! And I LOVE THE DUKE! We need more people to watch his movies and quit being so wimpy and weak!

Lanny said...
